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Three major problems restricting the rapid development of packaging machinery manufacturing industry

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Three major problems restricting the rapid development of packaging machinery manufacturing industry

Data:2017-03-30 Source: Click:

At present, in the packaging industry under the premise of continuous development, you can still see the contradiction in the packaging machinery industry, companies can not cope with changes in the situation, the development of ideas and the development of the industry does not adapt to the situation; business competitiveness is not strong, economic growth, The promotion is still largely driven by scale. So what restricts the development of China's packaging machinery? Stacker


China's packaging machinery manufacturing industry has three major problems: First, the lack of macro-planning, and second, the lack of capital investment, business for research and development of investment accounted for less than 1% of the average sales level, the lack of professional and technical personnel.


Compared with the developed countries, China's packaging machinery industry, product and technology gaps mainly in the following areas:


From the product structure, China's packaging machinery varieties are relatively small, such as palletizing machines, packing machines, and supporting a small number, the lack of high-precision and large-scale products, can not meet market demand: product quality gap in the performance of low performance , The stability and reliability of poor, poor appearance, rough surface treatment, many components of poor quality, short life, low reliability, affecting the overall product quality; from the enterprise situation, the domestic packaging machinery industry lack of leading enterprises, production Scale, high-grade products are not many enterprises; from the product development, China also basically stay in the test imitation stage, self-development ability is weak, the lack of scientific research and production pilot base, research funding is far lower than the developed countries.


The technical level of China's packaging machinery from the whole look at the overall state of the branch of the country to see the overall 20 years behind, in product development, performance, quality, reliability, service and other aspects of competition at a disadvantage.


In recent years, although the number of China's packaging machinery in a substantial increase, but only by increasing capital investment, expansion of the scale of the extensive operation has been unable to meet the needs of the development of the situation, China's packaging production has entered the adjustment of product structure, improve development capacity The new period. Technology upgrades, product replacement, management is an important issue in the development of the industry.

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