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Automatic sealing machine maintenance precautions

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Automatic sealing machine maintenance precautions

Data:2017-03-30 Source: Click:

To ensure that the automatic sealing machine in the production process to maintain a good performance and accuracy, to ensure product quality, reduce the number of production equipment maintenance, to extend the service life, today Shanghai Zongyi specifically for everyone to share on the automatic sealing machine daily maintenance Maintenance need to pay attention to matters:


1, in the sealing machine for maintenance, repair or adjustment before the machine must be turned off the power supply.


2, need to regularly check the oil and water separator oil is sufficient, timely add, add the use of special pressure oil (through the bottle of oil). Do not use other substitutes.


3, regularly check the oil and water separator filter cup, you must always check the water is too much and timely emissions.


4, often wipe the cylinder shaft, to prevent dust into the piston for a long time, resulting in leakage.


5, the pressure pipeline to remove the maintenance site, to be installed back to the location, we must pay attention to whether the tracheal tube phenomenon, if any, please quickly guide it to prevent airflow blocked.


6, screw and chain part of the oil every 3 months to be added once to reduce friction caused by wear parts to extend the life of accessories.


7, often keep the machine clean and prevent damp, to extend the machine life.


8, the sealing machine blade is used for tape cutting, each time before and after the need to be wiped clean and lubricated, to avoid tape adhesion and the blade surface and lead to tape cutting situation.


9, automatic sealing machine for the carton material has some requirements, wet deformation of the carton burrs easy to make the sealing machine failure, so the cardboard box must be kept dry, has been wet, deformation, with plastic film can not use the carton The machine is sealed and, in addition, the surface of the carton can not leave any dust or rubbish. Automatic packing machine


10, and finally, the sealing machine is the use of tape on the carton to seal, so the thickness and width of the tape can not be used to ensure the closure of the smooth, long time to avoid the use of tape.

Related Tags:Automaticpackingmachine

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